Sincerest apologies for the delayed tales. As most will know I’ve been engaged in a spot of non-fiction writing these past few months. Although… at times a certain amount of creativity was required to prevent the tome from turning into fiction.
For those interested in stats and averages: My thesis was submitted on
2 November 2007 at about 13:15 GMT. It contained
221 pages, 29848 words, and
22 images. After near death, I am please to say I have survived and am almost thriving again.
The viva examination has been set for
23 January at 11:00 GMT. So, watch out world, Dr. M is on her way.
Tragically, for those vicarious adventurers, the reporting of my exploits has been a bit sparse but not for a lack of exploring the Scottish countryside. After long hours in front of a computer screen drafting and editing, all this little ‘gnome’ wanted to do in the evenings was NOT see another pixel. Despite having some lovely stories and photos to share, they have languished, unedited in binary for sometime. Once the corrections on my thesis are completed, I am please to report storytelling shall
resume. Watch this space in
early-February for more views of Scotland!
Until then, I can honestly say I'll never complain again when: