It recently occurred to me that my little, sanity-saving, project got a wee bit lost with all the ‘life changes’ of the past year. Well, as a means of a very very very brief update of the past 12 months:
- Interviewed and got (Hooray!) a job in upstate New York;
- Traveled: upstate New York, Outer Hebrides & Edinburgh surrounds (Scotland), and a doosey of a trip to Egypt (more on that in May);
- Interned as a production manager for a non-profit magazine;
- Had 7 photographs published in a BOOK!;
- Oh, and moved across a BIG BLUE OCEAN and bought a car.
Alas it wasn’t meant to be. Boxes, tape, and removals men are at the ready once again. More on that another day.
I’ll leave you with a couple quickie snappies…

Icicles in upstate New York on the day my possessions arrived after 4 months in transit. Yes, we unloaded in the snow! 2.5 hours later, I couldn't feel my fingers or feet. Seriously!
My wee Honda. She's a manual and handles great - peppy with tight turns. (Gotta keep those shifting skills in practice until I get my porsche!)
Stay tuned… a few pictures from around the state then adventures in Egypt coming soon.
Very cool wee car and probably easy on gas as well. We get about 28 mpg in our CR-V and love it.
Supposedly the 'tidewater' colour has a purple sheen in daylight. Seeing as it is always overcast and cloudy here I have yet to discover it. She was running about 30mpg in the winter (i.e. with the defrost on, a requirement for CNY really). She's been sitting in the garage mostly since March so not sure what the 'summer' or highway mpg will be yet. Hope to find out next week. =)
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